Elementary elements

The links on this page lead to several routes with grammar exercises. Each coloured route leads to more challenging routes at higher levels. You can find the grammar subjects in alphabetical order. 


Spelling of names and surnames
Green route (level 1): 
The English alphabet
Red route (level 2): 
Alphabet - spelling 
Orange (level 3): 
Alphabetical order


Can & could, may & might, ought to, have to, must, be able to, to be allowed, shall & should.  
Can or could Can and could - modal verbs exercises 
 Verb tenses 2: exercises


Auxiliary Verbs (Helping Verbs) | Learn English
Types of Modal Verbs


Comparitive 1 Comparatives exercises

Comparitive 2 Comparative and superlative

Comparitive 3 As...as / like / more


What if clauses ... 
Zero conditional: Zero conditional exercises
First conditional: 
First conditional exercises - if clauses
Second conditional: 
Second conditional exercises
Third conditional: Third conditional exercises - Conditional sentences type III
Mixed conditional: 
Mixed conditional exercises - intermediate level


Practice your listening skills:
Green route: Listening - elementary tests
Red route: Listening: pre-intermediate tests
Orange route: Listening - intermediate tests
Blue route: Listening: upper intermediate tests

Purple route: Listening - advanced tests

Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns, this/that/these/those
Green route:
 This that these those - exercises 
Red route: Demonstratives - grammar exercises

Ing-form (gerund) or to infinitive 

When to use an ing-form or gerund and the to infinitive
Blue route:
 Verbs + to + infinitive and verbs + -ing
Purple route: Verbs + to + infinitive and verbs + -ing


Gerund & to infinitive

Passive & active voice
Study the videos and do the exercises:

1. Video explanation of the voices: Active versus Passive Voice
2. Video about the difference between: Active and passive voice 

3. Video about the tenses of: Active and passive Voices

Passive 1 Passive voice exercises
Passive 2 Passive voice - exercises 2

Passive 3 Passive voice exercises - 3

Reported speech Reported speech exercises

Past - to be

Was / were 
Green route:
 Verbs: To be past simple
Red route: To be: past simple exercises
Orange route: To be past simple- exercises

Past perfect .  
Past perfect 1 Past perfect exercises 
Past perfect 2 
The past perfect simple - exercises intermediate level esl 

Past perfect continuous Past perfect continuous exercises 


Past perfect puzzle: PUZZLE QUIZ - Past Perfect


Video: Past Perfect Tense

Past continuous
Video and exercises with the past continuous (past progressive):  
Past Progressive – Grammar & Verb Tenses
What were you doing? - Past Continuous
Past perfect 1 Past perfect exercises 
Past perfect 2 
The past perfect simple - exercises intermediate level esl 

Past perfect continuous Past perfect continuous exercises 

 Past perfect puzzle: PUZZLE QUIZ - Past Perfect


Personal pronouns

I - me 
Green route: Personal pronouns exercises - subject pronouns
Red route: Object pronouns exercises - personal pronouns
Orange route: Mixed pronouns - exercises
Possessive pronouns

Me - mine
Genetive case 's: Possessive 's
Possesives: Possessive adjectives 
Possessive pronouns:  Possessive pronouns exercises
Time expressions: Possessive ’s with time expressions

Prepositions of time

Prepositions of time and place
Green route: Prepositions of time - exercises
Red route: Prepositions of time - exercises level 2
Prepositions of place and movement
Green route: 
Prepositions of place and location

Orange route: Exercises: prepositions of movement
Blue route: Prepositions exercises - intermediate level
Purple route: Prepositions exercises - advanced level

Present continuous - forms of to be

Verb to be, questions & answers
Green route:
 To be: present simple forms 
Red route: To be present- esl exercises - beginners
Orange route: To be - exercises esl : questions and answers

Present perfect 
I have had
, you have lost, and he has found are verbs in the present perfect. 

Different exercises with the present perfect:
 Present Perfect 

Present perfect quiz: The present perfect | Grammar Friends


Present Perfect – Grammar & Verb Tenses

Quantifier some versus any

First route: Some / any Some / any - grammar exercises
Second route: Something / anything Indefinite pronouns exercises

Quantifiers much versus many

Much, many, (a) few, (a) little  
Countable vs uncountable Countable - uncountable nouns
Quantifiers Quantifiers exercises - quantity words


Practice your reading skills: 
1. Reading comprehension exercises - beginner
2. Reading comprehension exercises - elementary 
3. Reading comprehension exercises - elementary
4. Reading comprehension exercises - intermediate 
5. Reading comprehendion exercises - advanced

Word order 

Video word order level A2: Word Order SVOMPT
Video word order level B1: Word Order - Statements

Video word order level B2: Using Only + Word Order


Practice the English word order: 
Word order Word order - grammar exercises

English as a second language

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